WhatsApp Sues Govt Challenging New IT Rules

WhatsApp Sues Govt Challenging New IT Rules

NEW DELHI: In a significant development, WhatsApp has filed a case against the Indian government in the Delhi High Court seeking the dropping of the new IT rules that come into effect from today

WhatsApp Sues Govt Challenging New IT RulesWhatsApp sues govt challenging new IT rules

NEW DELHI: In a significant development, WhatsApp has filed a case against the Indian government in the Delhi High Court seeking the dropping of the new IT rules that come into effect from today

As per the new rules, giants like WhatsApp would require to trace the origin of particular messages sent on the service which, according to WhatsApp, would violate the privacy of the users.

A WhatsApp spokesperson stated that, "Requiring messaging apps to “trace” chats is the equivalent of asking us to keep a fingerprint of every single message sent on WhatsApp, which would break end-to-end encryption and fundamentally undermines people’s right to privacy."

To oppose the requirements violating the privacy of users, the WhatsApp team has been consistently joining civil society as well as experts across the world, added the Spokesperson.

The spokesperson further informed that WhatsApp will keep on engaging with the Government of India on practical solutions aimed at keeping people safe including responding to valid legal requests for the information available to them.

Announced earlier in February the new rules require social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp to comply to additional rules.

Facebook on Tuesday, announced that it is working to implement operational processes and also intending to comply with the new rules.

Edited By: Admin
Published On: May 26, 2021