The Chief Electoral Officer of Arunachal Pradesh, Pawan Kumar Sain addressed the media today speaking on the comprehensive preparations in place for the upcoming elections. With 2226 polling stations set across the state, Arunachal Pradesh braces itself for a significant electoral event.
Ensuring the sanctity of the electoral process, Arunachal Pradesh boasts a 100% coverage of Photo Electoral Rolls. Amongst the diverse array of polling stations, the precinct of Under 59 Longding emerges with the highest number of voters at 1462, while Hayuliang Malogaon presents with merely one female voter.
Even the remote areas of the state, including those situated above 30000 feet in altitude, are accounted for, though registering the lowest voter turnout. The Election Commission's extensive awareness programs, focusing on Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and Voter Verified Paper Audit Trails (VVPATs), aim to enhance voter participation and understanding of the electoral process.
With digital advancements at the forefront, the first level of EVM checking involving all national parties has been successfully completed, ensuring the integrity of the voting infrastructure. A total of 750 polling stations will be equipped with webcasting facilities, allowing real-time monitoring and transparency throughout the electoral process.
Highlighting the strides towards inclusivity and gender representation, the upcoming elections witness a surge in women's participation, with 153 polling stations to be headed by female representatives, a significant increase from the 91 stations in the previous elections. Notably, persons with disabilities (PWD) will preside over 480 polling stations, marking a historic first for the state.
Addressing concerns of malpractices, Chief Electoral Officer Pawan Kumar Sain revealed substantial seizures, including Rs 3.88 crores in unaccounted funds and the confiscation of 378 unlicensed arms. With 33,996 licensed arms currently in the state, rigorous measures will be taken to ensure their safe deposition to maintain law and order during the electoral process.
In anticipation of potential challenges, critical polling stations have been identified, with comprehensive communication and law enforcement plans in place. Leken Koyu and RK Sona have been designated for material management and postal ballot logistics, respectively.
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