Balijan town, bordering Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, witnessed a mass joining program as more than 200 families pledged their support to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The event, held in Tubung and Balijan Panchayat segments of Lower Balijan, saw a surge of support for BJP candidate Tana Hali Tara, the former MLA of Doimukh constituency.
Members from diverse communities, including the Karbi community, local members of the Nyishi community, and others, were among the prominent figures who switched their allegiance to the ruling party. The move reflects a growing optimism for better development prospects under the BJP's leadership.
Locals emphasized the tangible improvements witnessed in the region during the BJP's tenure over the past five years. Crucial infrastructure projects, particularly bridges that were previously in a dilapidated state, have been completed, enhancing communication links between Balijan, Tarasso towns, and beyond. These developments are crucial for addressing longstanding connectivity challenges in the area, especially during the summer months when flooding in the plain flat topography often hinders access to essential services.
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