Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) sitting MP from Indore, Shankar Lalwani won the Lok Sabha parliamentary seat by a record margin in a contest where NOTA also created a record with 2.18 lakh voters opting for the 'none of the above' option in the Lok Sabha elections.
Lalwani received 12,26,751 votes and defeated NOTA by 10,08,077 votes. Bahujan Samaj Party's Sanjay stood in third place with 51,659 votes.
According to a BJP leader, Lalwani’s victory margin is probably the highest in the country's electoral history.
In Tikamgarh (SC) seat, Union minister Virendra Kumar emerged victorious as he defeated his Congress rival Pankaj Ahirwar by 4,03,312 votes.
Meanwhile, Indore saw as many as 2,18,674 voters choosing the NOTA option, which was the second highest in this Madhya Pradesh Lok Sabha seat.
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