The Election Commission of India (ECI) has announced the schedule for the forthcoming General Elections alongside Assembly polls in four states, along with a number of by-polls. Spanning seven phases, the Lok Sabha elections are poised to be a pivotal moment in the world's largest democracy. Coinciding with this announcement, the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) has been set in motion aimed at fostering a fair electoral environment for all stakeholders. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of its key tenets:
1. Respect for Religious Spaces:
Under the MCC's purview, parties and candidates are barred from utilizing places of worship, be it mosques, churches, or temples, for electioneering purposes. Additionally, appeals to caste or communal sentiments to secure votes are strictly prohibited.
2. Conduct and Criticism:
Candidates are urged to maintain decorum by limiting criticism to policies, programs, and past records of opponents. Personal attacks and unverified allegations are to be eschewed.
3. Anti-Corruption Measures:
Stringent measures against corrupt practices are enforced, including voter bribery, intimidation, and public campaigning within 100 meters of polling stations. Liquor distribution on polling day and 48 hours prior is strictly prohibited.
4. Respect for Property Rights:
Political parties are prohibited from utilizing private properties for campaign materials without prior authorization during the MCC period.
5. Peaceful Assemblies:
Ensuring peaceful political meetings and processions, parties are mandated to inform authorities of venue and timing, obtain necessary licenses, and prevent disruptions from supporters.
6. Traffic Regulations:
Efforts to minimize traffic disruptions during processions are mandated, with organizers instructed to segment long processions appropriately.
7. Symbolic Gestures:
Effigy burning and other acts of symbolic aggression toward opposing parties or leaders are prohibited.
8. Crowd Management:
To avert tension, unnecessary crowds near polling booths are to be avoided, with restrictions on displaying propaganda material or serving food at candidate camps.
9. Fair Government Use:
The ruling party is barred from monopolizing government facilities, transportation, or media for electoral gains. Financial promises, ad-hoc appointments, and discretionary grants are restricted during the election period.
10. Manifesto Integrity:
While election manifestos are not deemed corrupt practices, their distribution of freebies is cautioned against. Manifestos must align with constitutional principles and the spirit of the MCC.
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