As the first phase of the 2024 Lok Sabha general elections came to an end, the polled EVMs and VVPATs used in all six districts of Sikkim were received at the District Control Centre on April 20, under the supervision of the concerned Returning Officers (RO).
Sikkim received a moderate voter turnout of around 68 per cent in the polls for the lone Lok Sabha seat, held on April 19.
The RO teams thoroughly checked the documents after they were received and securely stored and sealed them in their respective district offices.
District Strong Room established at the Government B. Ed. College, Soreng in the presence of Ms Neena Sharma IAS General Observer, Ms Yishey D Yongda DEO/ DC, Mr Dhiraj Subedi Deputy DEO/ ADC, Mr Gaayas Pega ADC Development, SDMs, Nodal Officers and Political Party representatives.
Soreng district’s General Observer (GO) Neena Sharma IAS paid a visit to the District Control Centre and interacted with the DEO and the team, thereby taking stock of the Strong Room for Reserved Machines and the polled EVMs. She also enquired about the voter turn-out data collected for the district after the closing of the polls.
The GO also interacted with SP Soreng and SDPO regarding the Law and Order situation under their jurisdictions.
The DEOs and ROs of respective districts briefed their GOs on the status of the polls and the polling stations.
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