As the Lok Sabha election draws near, tourists flocking to India's hill stations are facing unexpected hurdles due to heightened security measures enforced under the model code of conduct (MCC). Among those affected, a tourist aboard the iconic Nilgiris Heritage train expressed frustration over the inconvenience caused by rigorous security checks.
"They are checking us for cash, which is becoming an inconvenience for the tourists. They are interrupting tourists who are visiting these places. So, due to this, tourists may be facing some issues. They should simply consider that if someone is a tourist, they should let them go instead of searching their bags or cars," lamented the tourist.
The stringent security measures, aimed at ensuring a fair and peaceful electoral process, have inadvertently disrupted the travel plans of tourists, causing frustration and inconvenience. While acknowledging the importance of security protocols, tourists urge authorities to exercise discretion and prioritize the seamless travel experience of visitors exploring India's scenic destinations.
As India gears up for the Lok Sabha elections, balancing security concerns with the smooth functioning of tourism activities becomes imperative to uphold the country's reputation as a hospitable and tourist-friendly destination.
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