In a recent development, the Bombay High Court has once again rejected anticipatory bail for Rakhi Sawant in a case filed against her by her estranged husband, Adil Khan Durrani. The case revolves around allegations made by Durrani, accusing Sawant of disseminating his private, sexually explicit videos across various media platforms.
The ongoing dispute between Sawant and Durrani has escalated, with both parties trading serious accusations against each other. Durrani, who recently tied the knot with 'Bigg Boss 12' fame Somi Khan, has accused Sawant of engaging in fraudulent activities, branding her as an 'imposter' and a 'cheater.'
In a recent interview with E-Times, Durrani claimed that Sawant is struggling to accept his new marital status and is resorting to baseless allegations to remain in the limelight. He further asserted that Sawant's accusations against him are unsubstantiated, with the evidence presented by her being outdated and irrelevant.
Responding to Sawant's earlier claims of Durrani attempting to reconcile with her despite being married to Khan, Durrani dismissed the allegations, stating that he has no interest in rekindling any relationship with Sawant. He emphasized his happiness with his current wife and reiterated his lack of desire to engage with Sawant any further.
Sawant, in her pursuit of anticipatory bail, approached the Bombay High Court after the sessions court rejected her plea. However, she withdrew her application in February 2024, following Justice Sarang Kotwal's indication that he was not inclined to grant her relief.
The denial of anticipatory bail by the Bombay High Court adds another layer to the ongoing legal battle between Sawant and Durrani, underscoring the gravity of the allegations and the complexity of the situation. As the dispute continues to unfold, both parties remain embroiled in a contentious legal struggle, with the spotlight firmly fixed on their tumultuous relationship and its ramifications.
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