Actor Alia Bhatt, who dazzled in a Sabyasachi sari at the Met Gala 2024, is now set to attend the Gucci Cruise Show 2025 in London. Before jetting off to London, the 'Raazi' star posed for photographers at Mumbai airport on Monday night, exuding simplicity and style in her airport attire—a pair of denim jeans, a white T-shirt, and minimal make-up.
The Gucci Cruise show, set to take place at the prestigious Tate Modern in London, follows Gucci's previous Cruise collection showcase at Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul last year. Alia, Gucci's first Indian Global brand ambassador, was also present at the show in South Korea, solidifying her presence on the global fashion scene.
Alia's journey hasn't just been about glamour. In March 2024, she hosted her inaugural charity gala in London, titled the "Hope Gala," in collaboration with the Salaam Bombay Foundation and Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group. The event aimed to raise funds for underprivileged youth in India's slums. Renowned personalities like musician Harshdeep Kaur, comedian Rohan Joshi, and director Gurinder Chadha graced the gala.
Reflecting on the charity gala, Alia expressed her admiration for Padmini Sekhsaria's work in uplifting at-risk youth and reshaping their narratives. She praised the support of generous contributors and the privilege of hosting the gala at a prestigious venue like Mandarin Oriental.
Alia's influence extends beyond the fashion and charity spheres. She recently made it to Time's 100 Most Influential list, with director Tom Harper praising her as a "truly international star" in an article for the magazine.
On the film front, Alia has exciting projects lined up, including Vasan Bala's 'Jigra,' co-produced by Karan Johar and herself, slated for a September 27 release. Additionally, she is set to lead a Spy Universe film, with filming scheduled to commence later this year, showcasing her versatility and global appeal in both fashion and cinema.
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