On his birthday, September 9, Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar surprised his fans by announcing his next film, Bhooth Bangla. The actor is set to reunite with director Priyadarshan for this horror-comedy, marking their first collaboration in 14 years. The announcement has sparked excitement among fans, as the duo previously delivered cult classics like Hera Pheri, Garam Masala, and Bhool Bhulaiyaa.
Produced by Ektaa R Kapoor under the banner of Balaji Telefilms Ltd., Bhooth Bangla is expected to hit theaters in 2025. The film’s shooting is scheduled to begin soon.
Akshay Kumar took to Instagram to share the news along with an intriguing motion poster. He expressed his excitement about working with Priyadarshan again, writing, “Thank you for your love on my birthday, year after year! Celebrating this year with the first look of Bhooth Bangla! I’m beyond excited to join forces with Priyadarshan again after 14 years. This dream collaboration has been a long time coming… can’t wait to share this incredible journey with you all. Stay tuned for the magic.”
The announcement also came with a teaser released during Ganesh Chaturthi, hinting at the big reveal on the actor's birthday.
Fans are eagerly anticipating Bhooth Bangla, hoping it will recreate the magic of previous Priyadarshan-Akshay hits like Bhagam Bhag, Bhool Bhulaiyaa, and De Dana Dan. With a mix of horror and comedy, the film promises to be a thrilling ride for audiences.
Akshay’s collaboration with Priyadarshan has always resulted in successful films, and their reunion is sure to be one of the most anticipated projects in Bollywood for 2025.
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