How deepfake technology has become threat to popular celebs across the world

How deepfake technology has become threat to popular celebs across the world

The unsettling technology has victimized several celebrities, highlighting the urgent need for regulations to curb its spread and protect individuals' reputation and privacy.

How deepfake technology has become threat to popular celebs across the worldHow deepfake technology has become threat to popular celebs across the world

Deepfake technology, which allows the manipulation of audio and visual content to create convincing but entirely fabricated videos or images, has garnered significant attention in recent times due to its potential for misinformation and misuse. 

This was notably highlighted when a video featuring Bollywood actor Rashmika Mandanna went viral on social media. In the video, originally depicting British-Indian influencer Zara Patel, Mandanna's face was seamlessly swapped with Patel's using deepfake technology. Rashmika Mandanna, like several other celebrities, found themselves a victim of this unsettling technology.

Tom Hanks, a beloved Hollywood actor, recently raised concerns about deepfakes when he discovered that an ad for a dental plan featured his likeness without his consent. He promptly took to Instagram to inform his followers about the deceptive use of his image, urging them to be cautious.

YouTuber Jimmy Donaldson, also known as Mr. Beast, fell victim to misleading AI-driven advertisements. A TikTok ad exploited his image in a deepfake video, promising viewers $2 iPhones, a clear example of how this technology can be utilized for deceptive marketing purposes.

Kristen Bell, renowned for her role as the voice of Anna in Disney's 'Frozen,' experienced a disturbing violation when she learned that her image had been manipulated and used in explicit content on the internet. Her husband, Dax Shepard, brought this distressing revelation to her attention, underscoring the invasive nature of deepfake technology.

The experiences of these celebrities underscore thereal threat posed by deepfakes. The issue extends beyond the entertainment industry, with individuals like Rashmika Mandanna feeling the fear and insecurity that come with having their image manipulated in such a manner. Mandanna's statement on social media expressed her concerns about how technology is being misused and the potential harm it can inflict.

But the problem doesn't stop there. Bella Hadid and Taylor Swift also found themselves unwittingly drawn into the deepfake realm. Bella Hadid's audio was manipulated to create the false impression that she was endorsing a particular cause, while Taylor Swift was the subject of a deepfake video where she conversed fluently in Mandarin. These instances demonstrate the international reach and versatility of deepfake technology, raising questions about its ethical implications and potential misuse.

The recent case of Katrina Kaif further highlights the gravity of the situation. In her case, a manipulated version of a scene from the film "Tiger 3" emerged online, altering her appearance to create a vulgar depiction. The fact that such manipulated content is being circulated underscores the need for rigorous regulations to curb the spread of deepfakes and protect the reputation and privacy of individuals.

Another victim in the realm of entertainment, Sonnalli Seygall,an Indian Actress shared a personal experience of image manipulation, revealing that her photos had been altered without her consent, causing distress to her family. This incident underscores the emotional toll that deepfake technology can have on its victims, regardless of their celebrity status.

Scarlett Johansson, a renowned Marvel actress, also became a target of deepfake deception when her image was used in an unauthorized advert for Lisa AI. This situation prompted a swift legal response to emphasize the seriousness of such violations.

Morgan Freeman recently appeared in a remarkable deepfake video created by a Dutch YouTube channel, where his image was digitally altered to create a convincing digital version of himself. In the video, Freeman explained that he was not a genuine actor but a product of advanced manipulation technology, highlighting the impressive capabilities of this technology.

Robert Pattinson, famous for his role as Batman, recently faced deepfake videos on a parody TikTok account, raising concerns about the blurred line between reality and deepfake technology. This incident highlights the growing uncertainty surrounding identity and employment in the age of advanced digital manipulation.

As the battle of deepfake continues, the need for severe regulations and ethical considerations becomes increasingly evident. Celebrities and their representatives are taking a stand against the unauthorized use of their likenesses, highlighting the urgent need to address the ethical implications and potential dangers of deepfake technology.

Moreover, deepfakes have raised concerns about their potential for misinformation and manipulation of public opinion. They can be used to create convincing fake videos or images of public figures saying or doing things that never occurred, further emphasizing the importance of vigilance and counter measures to combat this technology's misuse.

A recent survey on deepfake content reveals alarming statistics. A significant portion of deepfake videos online, a shocking 98 percent, consists of adult content. This underscores the sexual exploitation aspect of deepfakes, with 99 percent of realistic-looking pornography featuring female subjects. India ranks sixth among nations most vulnerable to deepfake adult content, highlighting the global reach of this problem.

The 2023 State of Deepfakes report from Home Security Heroes reveals that public figures, particularly those in the entertainment industry, face a higher risk due to their visibility and potential impact on their careers. The report indicates a substantial increase in the number of deepfake videos found online, with a 550 percent increase compared to 2019.

Worryingly, the report also notes that creating a 60-second deepfake pornographic video has become quicker and more affordable than ever. It can now be done in less than 25 minutes and at a cost as low as ?0, using just one clear face image. This accessibility further highlights the urgent need for comprehensive measures to combat the proliferation of deepfake content.

In this brave new world where reality and illusion often intertwine, society must grapple with the ethical and practical challenges posed by deepfake technology. Stricter regulations, public awareness, and technology to detect and mitigate deep fakes are essential components of addressing this pressing issue and protecting the privacy and reputation of individuals, particularly those in the public eye.

Edited By: Puja Mahanta
Published On: Nov 08, 2023