Pathaan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, has dominated the box office and is now the highest-grossing Bollywood movie of 2023. Kajol, Khan's friend, and co-star, has split the internet with her question over how much money his most recent movie truly made.
Kajol spoke with the media to promote her recently launched series The Trial- Pyaar Kanoon Dhoka. During one of the interviews, Kajol revealed her desire to learn about Pathaan's "real" collections.
While speaking to a media portal, the interviewer asked Kajol a question, "What would you like to ask Shah Rukh Khan?" Thinking about it for a while, Kajol said in an intriguing manner, " I would ask him, How much did #Pathaan really make?" and laughed out loud.
The interview clip has gone viral instantly on social media. While a few internet users praised Kajol's response as a clever response, others saw this as a jab at SRK's most recent movie. Some of Khan's more sensitive supporters took objection to this and even teased the actress.
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