Malti is seen smiling in the first photo the actor posted, wearing a flower garland around her neck. The little girl was adorable in her jammies and bunches. Malti's appearance from her birthday celebration with an Elmo theme came after the cute picture.
Malti wore a red pair of trousers and a pink shirt for the puja. Heart-shaped sunglasses and a tiara completed her ensemble. Nick was shown praying within the temple premises while holding his kid in her arms in a different photo.
The couple celebrated the important day by having a picnic with relatives and friends in Los Angeles near the ocean. On social media, a few of their trip's unseen photos have gone viral. Nick Jonas and Priyanka may be seen fast zooming departing the beach birthday celebration in a video. Others featured the couple holding hands while strolling along the beach. Divya Akhouri and Cavanaugh James, the couple's pals, were among those spotted assisting with the low-key birthday setup.