Renowned Assamese singer Pulak Banerjee, who is also the Natasurya Executive President, was invited by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, along with the leading artists of India, for a discussion on promoting Mahatma Gandhi’s vision. He was the only representative from Assam.
The Prime Minister shared the photos who interacted with him during the meet on his tweeter handle.
He tweeted, “Spreading the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi through cinema, ensuring more youngsters are well-acquainted with the ideals of Gandhi Ji. Today’s interaction with leading film personalities and cultural icons was fruitful. We exchanged thoughts on a wide range of subjects.”
Pulak Banerjee is a distinguished musical personality in the world of Assamese music. The youngest in the family, Banerjee was born and brought up in a culturally-rich atmosphere. He was initiated into music by his eldest sister Dipti Chakravarty, who was closely associated with the Indian People’s Theatre Association (IPTA).
Banerjee, who has been grew up listening to Mohd Rafi, Lata Mangeshkar, Bhupen Hazarika and Manna Dey. Though he never had any formal training in classical music, he learnt the nuances of music from his neighbour Hiralal Banerjee of All-India Radio, Guwahati.
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