Suhana Khan, the daughter of Shah Rukh Khan, will make her acting debut in The Archies. Suhana recently reflected on her time spent working as an actor on film sets. In her undergraduate years, Suhana studied acting and had a few small-screen appearances, but Zoya Akhtar's The Archies is her Hindi-language feature debut. Suhana described feeling "extremely insignificant" in the midst of the commotion on the first day of filming at the recent India Today Conclave in Mumbai.
She said, “From the number of people on set to the number of lights on set and the hair and the make up and the chaos, I feel like in the middle of it, I just felt extremely significant.” The 23-year-old actor said that everyone on the set was doing everything to “facilitate Zoya’s vision and knowing that on my first day and realising that, I felt extremely nervous and at the same time, incredibly responsible”.
When asked about her biggest critic, or the person who gives her feedback, Suhana said that her “biggest source of guidance” are her parents – Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan. “I wouldn’t say biggest critic but I think my biggest source of guidance are my parents and actually my entire family. I feel like we all chip in and help each other out”, she said.
Suhana has previously discussed how it was "scary" for her to leave home at the age of 15 to attend boarding school. Suhana stated during the publication of Koel Purie's book, Clearly Invisible In Paris, “I left home when I was 15 for boarding school, so I think that was scary because it was definitely a culture shock and I think it took me a while to feel at home and when I did it was because of the people there and how their friendship, their love made me feel seen when I felt invisible”.
The Archies also include Khushi Kapoor, Agastya Nanda, Dot, Mihir Ahuja, Vedang Raina, and Yuvraj Menda in addition to Suhana. On December 7, Netflix will premiere the movie.
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