'Yodha' starring Sidharth Malhotra, Raashii Khanna, and Disha Patani is having trouble in theaters during the week. The action thriller had a sharp decline in attendance on Monday, March 18, its first Monday in theaters, earning its lowest since debut. 'Yodha' is reported to have made over Rs 19 crore net in India in only four days.
On March 15, 'Yodha' debuted in theaters to much fanfare. On the other hand, both reviewers and viewers have given the movie mixed reviews.
Compared to Sunday, March 17, the film's box office receipts on March 18 showed a sharp drop. It is said that "Yodha" made a net total of Rs 2.15 crore in India on Monday. At the domestic box office, the four-day total collection presently stands at Rs 19 crore net.
On March 18, "Yodha" registered an overall occupancy rate of 10.30% in India. Yodha is concerned about this, and it remains to be seen if it can bounce back from this setback.
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