Renowned singer Zubeen Garg has spoken out after a female Home Guard was removed from her post for publicly kissing and hugging him during a Bihu programme in Chabua. In a social media post on May 16, Zubeen expressed his displeasure, stating, "I know there are norms attached to uniforms. But, love is not, and must not be, a punishable offence."
Zubeen's post drew a range of reactions from his followers. One user, claiming to be a soldier, defended the action, stating, "When a soldier is in uniform, they have to avoid everything and focus solely on duty. This was undisciplined conduct as soldiers are trained to strictly follow rules and regulations."
Another user suggested, "It's understood that uniforms do have norms, but can the Deptt schedule a day for their employees to meet Zubeen Garg without uniform?"
A third user expressed sympathy for the Home Guard, writing, "I agree and this simple and innocent lady expressed just her love and respect...why on earth should she be penalised? Our entire system is defunct."
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