Here's how papaya proves to be world’s best fat burning fruit

Here's how papaya proves to be world’s best fat burning fruit

Here's how papaya proves to be world’s best fat burning fruitSource- Pinterest

Nowadays people buy all the expensive and fancy products in order to lose weight and stay in shape. Companies also step forward and claim that these products are loaded with fat-burning substances and having these products can make people slim in no time. 

What if we tell you, you don’t need all these fancy products. What if we tell you there is a product which is natural, way cheaper than all these fancy products and is easily available almost everywhere. What if we tell you it has way more Vitamin C than an Orange.


Yes, you read it right. It is papaya and it is full of nutrients. 
Papaya is one of the easiest and cheapest available fruit across countries. It is available mostly throughout the year these days. 

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Here is what 100 gms of papaya has - 
-Calories: 59
-Carbohydrates: 15 grams
-Fibre: 3 grams
-Vitamin C: 157% of the RDI
-Vitamin A: 33% of the RDI
-Folate (vitamin B9): 14% of the RDI

  1. It is low in calories and proves to be a much better snack than your favourite cookies or chips which has almost 10 times more calories.
  2. Has an amazing source of Vitamin C and has almost twice the amount of Vitamin C than an orange.
  3. A great source of Vitamin A. It is amazing for your eyes.
  4. Amazing source of Folate which helps in digestion and your mental health.
  5. It is a good source of Potassium.
  6. Regulates fluid balance and reduces blood pressure in your body.

Some of the other benefits of consuming papaya are - 

  • It has anti-cancer properties
  • it is good for your heart health
  • it boosts immunity
  • it protects you against skin damage

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Edited By: Admin
Published On: Aug 11, 2020