Chief Minister Shri N. Biren Singh has said that an active manhunt is underway to nab the culprits behind the series of blasts that recently rocked the State Capital. He was speaking to media persons on the sidelines of Hill Leaders’ Day at the Durbar Hall of the CM’s Secretariat today.
Shri N. Biren Singh said that he had reviewed the situation in a security meeting held at Chief Minister’s Secretariat yesterday.
During the meeting, the Chief Minister said, it was felt that certain technical difficulties faced by the intelligence units of the State Police Department must be addressed at the earliest.
As such, updated technology would be acquired as soon as possible to counter different security threats, said Shri N. Biren, who is also the in-charge of Home Department.
Stating that common people may face some inconveniences during the course of search operations conducted by the police/security agencies, the Chief Minister urged the public to bear with this inconvenience and extend co-operation to the security personnel to arrest the culprits.
Maintaining that it is the bounden duty of the Government to book the anti-social elements and protect the life and property of the common people, the Chief Minister asserted that the ongoing manhunt would go on until the perpetrators are nabbed.
If peace prevails in Manipur, the State has the potential to become one of the most developed States of the country as there is no dearth of resources and talents, he opined.
Regarding Hill Leaders Day, the Chief Minister expressed hope that the number of visitors of this day would automatically come down when the ‘Go to Village’ mission is expanded to more villages, he added.
The Chief Minister said that provisions of providing allowance to Government officials taking part in the mission and acquiring necessary vehicles would be discussed by the State Cabinet soon.
Regarding dredging of riverbeds, the Chief Minister lauded the people who were residing within the limits of the flood plain zoning areas of Imphal River and Nambul River for removing their shops, houses and other structures on their own extending co-operation to the ongoing dredging exercise.
Shri N. Biren further said that a high level powerful committee comprising high ranking officials of NHPC and the State Government had already been formed to jointly tackle flash floods. Hence, there would be no unnecessary delay any more in the opening of sluice gates of Ithai Barrage when required, he added.
The Chief Minister also said that development of infrastructures of the newly created districts is in active consideration and the construction of the new bridge near Nung Dolan on NH-37 (Imphal-Jiribam road) is nearing completion.
In today’s Hill Leaders’ Day, Shri N. Biren Singh attended to 350 complaints and met around 1000 people from different hill districts of the State.
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