Manipur: Mao-Poumai Baptist Church celebrates green Sunday, promotes environmental stewardship

Manipur: Mao-Poumai Baptist Church celebrates green Sunday, promotes environmental stewardship

The Mao-Poumai Baptist Church in Langol observed Green Sunday on June 2, 2024, aligning with World Environment Day. The event focused on environmental stewardship and included various activities to raise awareness about conservation.

Manipur: Mao-Poumai Baptist Church celebrates green Sunday, promotes environmental stewardshipChurch Celebrates Green Sunday, Promotes Environmental Stewardship

The Mao-Poumai Baptist Church in Langol joined the global celebration of Green Sunday on June 2, 2024, aligning with World Environment Day observed annually on June 5. With the theme “Caring for the Creations of God,” the church highlighted the importance of environmental stewardship.


Marking the event, church members dressed in green and children participated in a green parade, carrying placards and festoons with slogans such as “Cut the greed, not the green,” “Plant more trees,” “Stop burning the jungle,” and “Promote green and environment.” The messages aimed to raise awareness about deforestation, pollution, and the importance of preserving nature.


Rev. L. Simon Raomai, the church pastor, delivered a sermon on “Christian response to ecological crisis,” urging the congregation to take active roles in environmental conservation. P. Graceson Ramungna, Field Consultant for Gideons International, spoke on “Stewardship of God’s creation” during the morning and evening services, emphasizing the responsibility of caring for the Earth.


To educate the younger generation about environmental issues, a painting competition was held with the theme “The impact of climate change and global warming.” This initiative aimed to foster awareness and creativity among children and youth regarding ecological challenges.


In a significant move, the church resolved that each member would plant one tree, launching the Eco Care Organization (ECO) to advocate for environmental conservation. This commitment underscores the church's dedication to promoting a greener, cleaner, and more peaceful Manipur and world.

Edited By: Krishna Medhi
Published On: Jun 02, 2024