A married couple from L Gangpimual Village in Churachandpur district drowned while tending to their farm, leaving behind an 11-year-old daughter. The tragedy occurred on July 30, 2024, at a river known locally as Siipi Hom, situated about 20 kilometers from their village and 50 kilometers from the district headquarters.
Suanzamuan and his wife Vunglamniang, both in their mid-40s and small-scale farmers, had gone to their farm early that day. When they did not return by late evening, worried family members initiated a search. Due to the challenging terrain and lack of communication facilities at Siipi Hom, news of the couple’s death only reached their village on August 6, 2024.
The Zou Youth Organization - Gangpimual Unit and the Haupi Area Youth Association quickly organized a recovery operation upon being notified by the family. The community is in deep mourning over the sudden loss of the couple, highlighting the risks faced by residents in remote areas of Manipur.
The couple leaves behind their only daughter, an 11-year-old Class II student at Agape High School in Sangaikot, 15 kilometers from L Gangpimual Village. The child, now orphaned, faces an uncertain future amidst ongoing ethnic tensions in the region.
Local organizations and community leaders have voiced serious concerns about the orphaned child's welfare, calling for immediate emotional support, financial aid, and educational assistance. They are urging the community to support the girl to ensure her safety and well-being during this challenging time.
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