Three Myanmarese nationals were apprehended at the Imphal airport in Manipur for allegedly furnishing fake Indian IDs. An Aadhaar card was also found on them. The incident took place when two women Dimkhawlnuam and Donlunching and a man, identified as Sianmuankham, arrived at a departure gate of the airport at about 11 am to board a flight to Bengaluru. The officer on duty found three driving licences, furnished by them as proof of identity, suspicious and detained them for questioning.
During interrogation, they revealed that they had the fake driving licences prepared in Manipur's Churachandpur district to use it to travel to Bengaluru. An Aadhaar card in the name of Dimkhawlnuam was also found in their luggage. The accused were not allowed to board the flight and handed over to the local police.
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