On the final day of nomination filing for the 1-Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constituency Election, six candidates stepped forward, adding to the roster of contenders for the upcoming 18th Lok Sabha Election. The nominations were submitted today at the Office of the Returning Officer in Lamphelpat, Imphal West. With this latest development, a total of seven candidates are slated to vie for the 1-Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constituency seat in the ensuing 18th Lok Sabha General Elections, 2024.
Leading the list of candidates who filed their nominations today is Maheshwar Thounaojam, representing the Republican Party of India Athawale (RPIA). Joining him is Thounaojam Basanta Kumar Singh, putting forth his candidacy on behalf of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Dr. Angomcha Bimol Akoijam steps into the race as the representative of the Indian National Congress (INC). Additionally, Moirangthem Totomshana Nongshaba enters the fray representing the Rashtriya Janhit Sangharsh Party (RJSP). Notably, Haorungbam Sarat Singh throws his hat into the ring as an Independent candidate, while Ngasepam Nilakanta Singh represents the Universal Family Party.
It's pertinent to mention that Rajkumar Somendro Singh, also known as Kaiku, had previously filed his nomination paper representing the Manipur People's Party (MPP) on Monday.
The nomination papers submitted by all candidates will undergo scrutiny tomorrow, the 28th of March, Thursday, commencing at 11 a.m. The scrutiny process will take place at the Office of the Returning Officer for the No. 1-Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constituency, located at Lamphelpat, Imphal.
This development signifies a growing roster of candidates and sets the stage for a competitive Inner Manipur Parliamentary Election, stirring anticipation and interest among constituents as the election season progresses.
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