The Border Security Force (BSF) in Meghalaya celebrated the 78th Independence Day at the Frontier headquarters in Umpling, Shillong, extending the message to foster a spirit of camaraderie and mutual respect.
Inspector General of BSF Meghalaya, Harbax Singh Dhillon hoisted the national flag and celebrated the day with BSF personnel deployed at the border.
The personnel distributed sweets to their counterparts in the border forces, spreading a message of fostering a spirit of camaraderie and mutual respect.
Adding to the patriotic fervor, students from BSF Schools presented a series of cultural programmes that highlighted the rich cultural heritage and unity of the nation.
Addressing the gathering, Inspector General Harbax Singh Dhillon extended his heartfelt wishes on the occasion of Independence Day. He encouraged the students to uphold national values and strive to become responsible citizens of India.
He also conveyed his greetings to the people of Meghalaya, all force members and their families.
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