The Border Security Force (BSF) on August 11, seized medicines worth Rs 3.74 lakhs on the India-Bangladesh border in Meghalaya's South Garo Hills district.
The seizure was made by troops of the 181 Battalion of the BSF during an operation on the basis of specific information.
''The 181st Battalion of Meghalaya Frontier Border Security Force (BSF) on August 11 has successfully intercepted a smuggling attempt on the India-Bangladesh border in the South Garo Hills district. Acting on credible information, the BSF troops executed a planned operation and confiscated a substantial cache of medicines valued at Rs 3,74,415, an official statement said.
Among the seized items were Grifols injections, Amcoral tablets, enterogermina injections, and various other medical supplies.
The confiscated items are now being handed over to customs officials for further processing.
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