In a move that will bolster the ruling party's hopes ahead of the ensuing Lok Sabha elections, Moromi K. Marak, a former district council member and independent candidate who contested the 2018 assembly election from Dalu constituency today joined the National People's Party (NPP) in presence of Home Minister James K. Sangma, local MLA Brening A Sangma, local MDC Kurosh Marak and ex-MDC Apurba Marak in Dalu.
“I have immense faith and confidence in the leadership of Conrad K. Sangma,” Moromi said, while explaining to her supporters that under the stewardship of Conrad K. Sangma, the state has witnessed an era of growth and development.
“Our Chief Minister has demonstrated a government that is inclusive and has concerns for all sections of the society. In his brief tenure of one year, the Chief Minister has proved beyond doubt that Meghalaya can dream big and see a change that is imminent under his leadership,” Moromi added.
Welcoming Moromi in the party, James K. Sangma said, “She will be an asset to the party. We believe that she will further strengthen the party and will work particularly with the women folk to propagate the message of NPP.”
“The upcoming Lok Sabha election has given an opportunity for all of us to further strengthened our party base in Garo Hills and we should all come and unite to demonstrated that NPP is the only alternative to ensure development in the region,” he added.
Moromi had left the BJP in 2018 after the party denied her a ticket and had unsuccessfully contested the election from Dalu as an Independent candidate.
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