Meghalaya has become the second state in India to launch its own Over-The-Top (OTT) platform, following Kerala's lead. The state government unveiled 'Hello Meghalaya' on July 11, aiming to promote local content creators and musicians.
Chief Minister Conrad Sangma hailed the platform as a groundbreaking initiative, providing filmmakers, content creators, and musicians with a dedicated space to showcase their work. The government is offering substantial financial incentives to encourage participation and quality content production.
Filmmakers can receive up to Rs 5 lakh per film, with additional funding available for projects that gain national or international recognition. Content creators stand to earn Rs 18,000 monthly for maximum uploads, with the potential for increased earnings based on view counts. The platform also caters to short video and short film producers.
Tourism Minister Paul Lyngdoh highlighted the success of the Meghalaya Grassroots Music Project (MGMP), revealing that 3,000 musicians are now earning through music. A formal collaboration between MGMP and Hard Rock Cafe was announced, opening doors for Meghalayan artists to perform at Hard Rock venues across India.
The government plans to expand the platform's offerings by streaming live events such as state football league matches, music festivals, and MGMP performances. This move aims to make local content and events accessible to all residents of Meghalaya.
Chief Secretary Donald P. Wahlang emphasised that 'Hello Meghalaya' is more than just a digital platform – it's a celebration of the state's cultural heritage. The initiative is expected to create job opportunities and promote local languages, potentially supporting efforts to include them in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution.
To kickstart the platform, a content creator contest was held across 14 categories. Winners were selected by a jury of prominent local figures and through public polling. Categories ranged from social change influencers to best podcasters, showcasing the diverse talent pool in Meghalaya.
As the platform gains momentum, the state government is exploring additional support measures, including tax considerations to reduce movie ticket prices and plans to establish theatres in various districts for screening local content.
With 'Hello Meghalaya', the state aims to create a sustainable ecosystem for artists while preserving and promoting its rich cultural heritage on a global stage.
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