Mizoram's teen wonder Lalrinnungi, who achieved instant fame after topping the Class X board exams in the state continues to delight one and all with her exploits. The teen wonder, who belongs to a family of vegetable sellers, was witnessed selling vegetables on Saturday at a busy Aizawk 'sabzi bazar'.
The 16-year-old has not let success get to her head and was all smiles as she was seen interacting with buyers. Many looked on in amusement while she dealt with customers as the chirpy girl has become a household name after topping the board exams. Many shoppers also posed for clicks with her and offered her money out of goodwill.
Sixteen-year-old Lalrinnungi, who hails from Sihphir’s Neihbawi village, 15 km north of Aizawl, was busy attending to her customers at 'Thakthing' bazaar near the main office of Presbyterian Synod, the largest denomination in the state.
She reached the market early on Saturday morning along with her parents and has been selling vegetables on weekends as well as during holidays.
In the Class X results declared on Thursday, Lalrinnungi scored a staggering 97.2% in the Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE), securing the highest marks among 17,000 students.
Lalrinnungi was born on March 23, 1993, to a pig farmer and vegetable vendor and her path to the top has been riddled with obstacles. Thus, it is all the more heartening to see this young achiever not let success get to her head.
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