Dimapur launches fogging drive to prevent Dengue outbreak

Dimapur launches fogging drive to prevent Dengue outbreak

Dengue, a mosquito-borne disease, can pose significant health risks, and this fogging campaign is a vital step in its prevention.

Dimapur launches fogging drive to prevent Dengue outbreakDimapur launches fogging drive to prevent Dengue outbreak

In a proactive move to curb the threat of Dengue fever, the Dimapur Urban Council Chairmen Federation (DUCCF) has teamed up with MLA & Advisor H Tovihoto Ayemi to initiate a comprehensive fogging drive.

This drive, operating under the theme, ‘For Every Life - We Care,’ is set to encompass all 93 colonies within the Dimapur urban area.

Dengue, a mosquito-borne disease, can pose significant health risks, and this fogging campaign is a vital step in its prevention.

Fogging is an effective method for eradicating mosquitoes and reducing the risk of Dengue transmission. By targeting areas where mosquitoes breed and thrive, this campaign aims to protect the health and well-being of the Dimapur community.

Edited By: Puja Mahanta
Published On: Sep 06, 2023