Nagaland Congress denounces 'baseless allegations' over cow slaughter ban rally

Nagaland Congress denounces 'baseless allegations' over cow slaughter ban rally

Nagaland Congress refutes MLA's baseless claims about their stance on cow slaughter ban rally, condemns divisive agendas.

Nagaland Congress denounces 'baseless allegations' over cow slaughter ban rally

The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee has expressed shock at the "baseless allegations" made against them by MLA and Advisor Imkong L. Imchen, pertaining to a proposed rally promoting a cow slaughter ban scheduled to take place in Kohima on September 28, 2024.

In a press statement, the committee stated, "First of all, his allegation that we had not condemned the proposed program is factually incorrect. We had strongly and unequivocally denounced the proposed "Gau Dhwaj Sthapana Bharat Yatra" through a Press Statement dated 10th September, 2024."

Furthermore, they stressed facts, adding, "Our official stance on the issue is clearly spelt out for all to see in the public domain, and would have done some service to our Hon'ble Advisor if he had only cared enough to chose facts over fantasy."

"Secondly, we are sorry to state that we don't see any shred of merit in responding to the rest of his unsubstantiated tirade of allegations against us." 

The Congress committee also said that the party would always "engage in any discourse in the interest of the people, provided it comes from a place of evidence and facts, not some baseless dungeons and dragons fairy tale story conjured out of thin air and being masqueraded as legitimate points of discussion."

"Lastly, we once again vehemently condemn the proposed Gau Dhwaj and consider it as an assault on the diverse and secular spirit enshrined in our Constitution and reassert our commitment to continue the fight against such divisive agendas," the party concluded.

Edited By: Avantika
Published On: Sep 29, 2024