Deputy Chief Minister and Home Minister Y Patton accompanied by Home Commissioner & Commissioner Nagaland, ADGP (Adm.) ADGP (Law and Order), IGP(Range), IGP (IR), Commissioner of Police Dimapur, DC Peren, DCP Chumoukedima, and SP Peren visited the Lamhainamdi incident site on 8th November 2022 to take stock of the unfortunate sequence of events that erupted on November 7.
Patton appealed to all concerned to maintain peace, refrain from any act that might escalate the situation further, and urged everyone to adhere to the status quo order of the Government.
Further, the deputy CM mentioned that the Government has requested the CNTC & TPO leaders to have proper discussions with the parties concerned for maintaining peace and for helping resolve the issue amicably.
Patton also lauded the district administration and police forces for their timely and tactful intervention and for exercising utmost restraint which helped bring the situation under control and said sufficient police forces have been deployed in the area to maintain law and order.
Limasunep IPS, IGP (Range) gave a briefing about the incidents that took place on 7th November 2022 at Lamhainamdi. The Home Commissioner and ADGP ( Admin) also spoke about the incident.
DC HQ (Comm. Office), ADC Peren, Jalukie & Medziphima, SEO (C) Chumoukidima, EAC Seithekima & Jalukie, SDO (C) Peren, SDO(C) Dhansiripar were also present at the spot.
Earlier on November 6, the Nagaland government imposed Section 144 Cr.PC along the highway stretch from Vihuto Village - Khehoyi Village - Kievi Village area and along the Chumoukedima - Peren Border Belt.
As per the order, it shall come into effect from 1200 hrs, from November 7th, 2022, and shall remain enforced until further order.
"WHEREAS, the undersigned is satisfied that there has been a breach of Law & Order which may result in loss of human life and property including agricultural produce along the Chumoukedima-Peren border area belt", read the notification.
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