The Railway Protection Force (RPF) stationed at Dimapur Railway Station has seized contraband worth approximately Rs 53 lakhs during the first four months of 2024. This revelation came to light during a press conference held at the RPF commissioner’s office on Saturday, as divulged by RPF Assistant Security Commissioner, Vimal Chandra Das.
According to Das, the seizures included a significant quantity of suspected brown sugar and ganja, with an estimated value of Rs 51.05 lakhs. These illicit substances were promptly confiscated and handed over to the Government Railway Police Station (GRPS) in Dimapur. Additionally, illegal foreign goods, valued at around ₹199,800, were intercepted, leading to the arrest of two individuals.
Furthermore, the RPF's vigilant efforts resulted in the rescue of 20 minors who were allegedly being trafficked to another state. These minors were safely handed over to Childline Dimapur for necessary care and support. Additionally, one woman was rescued and provided refuge at the "Sakhi Shelter Home" in Dimapur.
In a separate incident, the RPF thwarted an attempt to drug a passenger for the purpose of stealing personal belongings. Sedative drugs were seized, and one criminal was apprehended in connection with the incident.
Highlighting the enforcement of the Railway Act, Das revealed that 176 cases were reported during the aforementioned period, leading to the arrest of 182 individuals. Responding to concerns regarding the misuse of religious institutions in smuggling illegal products, Das issued a stern warning against such exploitation, reassuring the public of rigorous operations to curb such offenses.
Das appealed for public cooperation and reiterated the RPF's commitment to maintaining close coordination with local law enforcement agencies. Addressing prevalent crimes, he mentioned the common occurrence of personal belonging snatching on running trains and pledged swift action against offenders within the railway perimeter. Passengers in need of assistance were urged to contact the RPF or GRPF offices stationed within the railway premises.
Moreover, Das discussed the forthcoming RPF recruitment, highlighting the availability of 4026 vacant posts. He emphasized the benefits available to job seekers, particularly those from Nagaland, encouraging eligible candidates to apply.
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