Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader, Arvind Kejriwal on February 5 lashed out at the Crime Branch after being served notice in connection with the MLA poaching allegations. Kejriwal dismissed the inquiry as political theatrics, accusing the officers of being mere pawns in a larger game orchestrated by his "political masters."
"The officers who came from Crime Branch were made to do a lot of drama in front of my house. They didn't join the police force for this. Their political masters made a joke of the Delhi Police. They were asking who approached to buy AAP MLAs. Is this hidden from anyone? There is only one party in the country which is buying everyone," Kejriwal asserted.
This statement comes on the heels of Kejriwal's bold claim on February 4, where he alleged that he is being coerced into joining the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Speaking passionately, Kejriwal declared, "They can hatch any conspiracy against us; I am also firm. I am not going to bend. They are asking me to join BJP, then they are going to leave me alone. But I said that I will never go to BJP, I will never join BJP, not at all."
The AAP supremo made these remarks while laying the foundation stone of a school in Rohini, Delhi, where he also took the opportunity to criticize the BJP-led Central government. Kejriwal accused the Centre of allocating a mere 4 per cent of the national budget to schools and hospitals, in stark contrast to the Delhi government's commitment of 40 per cent annually.
In his speech, Kejriwal did not shy away from mentioning his jailed AAP colleagues, Manish Sisodia and Satyendra Jain, adding an extra layer of intensity to his allegations against the BJP.
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