Kerala police apprehended a 32-year-old Assam native, Firdous, on December 16, for his alleged involvement in the brutal rape and grievous assault of a 52-year-old woman four days earlier. The victim, a daily wage laborer from Alappuzha district, fell prey to the assailant's deception on December 13.
Firdous, under the guise of guiding the woman to the nearest metro station, led her to an isolated area near a railway overbridge. Disturbingly, he then callously pushed her into the bushes, where he subjected her to a horrific sexual assault before hastily fleeing the scene. The survivor was discovered by locals in an injured state and rushed to a nearby hospital.
Police initially had scant information about the perpetrator. Through meticulous follow-up on available leads, the victim's statement, and a thorough investigation, the police successfully identified and apprehended Firdous, who had brazenly remained in Kochi after the heinous act. The police spokesperson stated, "We had very little information about the accused. After following up on the available information, the woman's statement and thorough enquiry, we were able to zero in on the accused and nab him."
Despite being a native of Assam, Firdous, aged 32, displayed fluency in Malayalam, as reported by the survivor. A case of rape has been filed against the accused, and the investigation is ongoing.
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