West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of being "anti-women" and attempting to politicize religious events ahead of the general elections. Banerjee's comments came as she skipped Ram Lalla's Pran Pratishtha ceremony, instead leading her party's 'Sanhati Rally,' coinciding with the consecration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya.
The Trinamool Congress supremo criticized the BJP for what she deemed as "omitting" Goddess Sita from their discourse about Lord Ram. "They (BJP) talk about Lord Ram, but what about Goddess Sita? She was all along with Lord Ram during his exile. They don't speak about her as they are anti-women," Banerjee asserted during her rally.
"I don't believe in politicizing religion ahead of elections. I am against such practice. I have no objection to those worshipping Lord Ram, but object to interference with the food habits of people," she emphasized in her concluding remarks.
Banerjee initiated the 'inter-faith harmony' march from Hazra More, which concluded at Park Circus in Kolkata, attended by religious leaders from various faiths. Dismissing claims that her rally was a counter to the Ayodhya mega-event, Banerjee reiterated her commitment to maintaining harmony among different communities.
TMC Lok Sabha MP Abhishek Banerjee echoed his party supremo's sentiments, accusing the BJP of injecting politics into religion. "Today is a proud day for Bengal. While the whole country is engaged in a religious programme, the people of Bengal are standing together on the road, praying for peace," he stated during the TMC's inter-faith rally.
In Ayodhya, the 'Pran Pratishtha' ceremony for Ram Lalla unfolded with grandeur, featuring Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the 'mukhya yajman.' Over 7,000 distinguished guests attended the historical religious event, where PM Modi emphasized his efforts to cover all Ramayana-linked places during his 11-day 'anusthan.'
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