The government approved Rs 2,516 crore on Wednesday for the computerization of 63,000 operational Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS) in order to promote financial inclusion. The project involves the development of cloud-based common software with cyber security and data storage, as well as giving hardware support to PACS.
According to a statement released by the government, the majority of PACS have not yet been computerized and are still operated manually, resulting in inefficiency and a lack of trust. “In some of the states, standalone and partial computerization of PACS has been done. There is no uniformity in the software being used by them and they are not interconnected. It has been proposed to computerize all the PACS throughout the country and bring them on a common platform at the national level and have a common accounting system for their day-to-day business,” the statement added.
The Union Home and Cooperation Minister said that 63000 PACS will be computerized at a cost of Rs.2516 crore, which will benefit about 13 crore small and marginal farmers. In this digital age, the decision to computerization of PACS will increase their transparency, reliability, and efficiency and will also facilitate the accounting of multipurpose PACS.
₹2516 करोड़ से 63000 PACS का कंप्यूटरीकरण किया जायेगा, जिससे लगभग 13 करोड़ छोटे व सीमांत किसान लाभांवित होंगे।
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) June 29, 2022
इस डिजिटल युग में PACS कंप्यूटरीकरण का निर्णय इनकी पारदर्शिता, विश्वसनीयता व कार्यक्षमता को बढ़ाएगा व multipurpose PACS की एकाउंटिंग में भी सुविधा होगी। #DigitalPACS
He further added said that the software would also be available in local languages for the convenience of the people. Along with this, it will also help PACS to become a nodal center for providing various services like Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT), Interest Subvention Scheme (ISS), Crop Insurance Scheme ( PMFBY), and inputs like fertilizers, seeds, etc.
Expressing gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Shah stated that whether the Ministry of Cooperatives is formed or after that all the decisions are taken in the direction of empowering this sector show that the Prime Minister's ' Sahakar Se Prosperity ' is not just a sentence but has an unwavering resolve to bring about a positive change in the lives of the cooperative people.
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