In an anti-Naxal operation conducted by the District Reserve Guard (DRG) in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district, a Naxalite was killed during a gunfight in the early hours of Sunday. The encounter occurred around 5:30 am near Keshkutul village under the jurisdiction of Bhairamgarh police station. A senior police official informed PTI about the operation, stating that it was initiated based on intelligence regarding the presence of Kawasi Pandaru, the division supply team commander of Maoists, along with 15-20 other cadres in the Keshkutul-Keshmundi forests, approximately 400 km away from the state capital, Raipur.
After the exchange of fire ceased, authorities recovered the body of a Naxalite, alongside a weapon and explosives, from the encounter site. The search operation in the area is still ongoing, as confirmed by the official.
This incident marks the 80th Naxalite fatality in encounters with security forces in Chhattisgarh's Bastar region this year. The Bastar region comprises seven districts, including Bijapur. Earlier this month, on April 16, 29 Naxalites were reported killed in an encounter with security forces in Kanker district.
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