With the Ladakh Lok Sabha election just a day away, the Congress, on May 19, has launched a scathing attack on the Modi government, accusing it of neglect and discriminatory treatment of the union territory over the past decade. Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh spotlighted ongoing protests by Ladakh residents, who have been braving harsh winter conditions to demand greater control over their land and resources.
Ramesh highlighted the participation of all eight tribes and over 30,000 people in these protests, which have included hunger strikes and large marches. He condemned the government's silence and inaction in response to these demonstrations.
In a post on social media, Ramesh stated, "Over the last 10 years, Ladakh has been at the receiving end of the worst of the Modi government’s Anyay Kaal - from complete apathy to malicious and step-motherly treatment."
He pointed out that in August 2019, the Modi administration downgraded Ladakh to a Union Territory without a legislature, stripping it of its autonomous representation. Ramesh accused the government and its corporate allies of exploiting Ladakh's natural resources, threatening the region's delicate ecosystem.
Ramesh also criticised the central government's remote control of Ladakh through a lieutenant governor, noting that increased tourism and urbanisation are creating significant pressure on the region's resources and leading to water shortages.
He claimed that the Modi government's weakness has allowed China to seize 2,000 square kilometers of Ladakh territory, directly impacting thousands of indigenous shepherds. Ramesh emphasised that the Congress 'Nyay Patra' promises Sixth Schedule status for Ladakh's tribal areas, which would grant them critical autonomy to preserve their culture and environment. He also detailed plans to tackle environmental issues and climate change.
Ladakh, India's largest constituency by area, has about 1.84 lakh voters, with roughly 96,000 in Kargil and over 88,000 in Leh. "On June 4, Ladakh will begin the process of healing, and return to the path of prosperity and stability!" he added.
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