The Delhi High Court has criticized the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and Delhi Police following the tragic deaths of three UPSC aspirants in Old Rajinder Nagar. The court expressed its shock at the recurring nature of such incidents and condemned the apparent apathy of public authorities.
The incident unfolded when heavy rains flooded the basement library of Rau’s IAS Study Circle, resulting in the drowning of the three students. In its reprimand, the court questioned how such tragedies continue to occur despite existing measures.
The bench, comprising Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela, highlighted the inadequacies of MCD officials, stating that they seemed indifferent to the ongoing issues with stormwater drainage in the area. “It has become a norm,” the court remarked, criticizing the MCD for failing to address the malfunctioning stormwater drains and for not reporting these issues to the commissioner.
In addition, the court took the Delhi Police to task for their handling of the situation. The police had arrested a sports utility vehicle (SUV) driver, Manuj Kathuria, who was accused of driving through a rain-flooded street, allegedly causing water to surge and breach the building’s gates. The court labeled this action as unfair, emphasizing that the driver was merely passing by. “Mercifully, you have not challaned rainwater for entering into the basement,” the court quipped.
The court's remarks reflect a broader concern over accountability, asserting that public officials must be held responsible regardless of their position. It inquired whether the police had questioned the official who approved the building plan and whether they had investigated the non-functional primary water drain.
The Delhi Police responded, attributing their actions to media reports and promising a thorough and scientific investigation, free from external pressures. The court urged the police to uphold justice by protecting the innocent and addressing systemic failures that led to the tragedy.
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