At Gujarat University, a horrifying incident unfolded as a mob stormed into a hostel, assaulting international students who were reportedly offering Tarawee prayers a part of Ramadan rituals, inside their rooms. At least five students, hailing from Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and African countries, sustained severe injuries in the attack which involved sticks and rods.
The injured students have been admitted to the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Hospital in Ahmedabad for treatment.
Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Sanghvi swiftly intervened calling for immediate action. He convened a meeting with the state's Director General of Police and the joint commissioner of police of the crime branch, instructing them to expedite the arrest of the perpetrators.
Authorities have initiated an investigation into the incident, with a First Information Report (FIR) lodged against 20-25 unidentified individuals. While one person has been identified, efforts are underway to apprehend all involved parties.
The assault on international students within the university premises has sparked outrage and concern, prompting calls for justice and stringent action against the attackers. As the investigation progresses, authorities are under pressure to ensure the safety and security of all students, especially those from diverse backgrounds studying in Gujarat University.
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