In a tragic incident on Thursday, two foreigners are reported missing following an avalanche that struck the region of Gulmarg in Jammu and Kashmir. According to officials, the avalanche has sparked a search and rescue operation to locate the missing individuals.
Amidst the challenging circumstances, there is a glimmer of hope as two other individuals have been successfully rescued, highlighting the valiant efforts of the response teams involved in the operation.
This unfortunate event comes in the wake of another avalanche that occurred on Wednesday, affecting a vital area of Sonamarg along the Srinagar-Leh road. The avalanche not only disrupted the flow of water in the Sindh stream but also added to the mounting concerns regarding the safety of individuals in these snow-laden regions.
The region of Kashmir has been grappling with moderate to heavy snowfall over the past three days, further elevating the risk of avalanches in the hilly and mountainous areas of the valley. The continuous snowfall has created precarious conditions, prompting authorities to issue warnings and advisories to residents and tourists alike.
The local authorities continue to work tirelessly to manage the aftermath of these natural disasters and ensure the safety of those residing in the affected regions.
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