Kerala has confirmed its first case of Nipah virus in a 14-year-old boy from Malappuram district, according to state health officials. The diagnosis was confirmed by the National Institute of Virology in Pune, with the boy currently in critical condition on a ventilator at a private hospital.
Nipah virus, a zoonotic pathogen, is transmitted from animals like pigs and fruit bats to humans, and can spread through contaminated food or direct human-to-human contact. The infection presents with symptoms such as high fever, vomiting, and respiratory issues, and in severe cases, can lead to seizures, brain inflammation, and coma. There is no vaccine available for Nipah.
Health Minister Veena George announced that the affected boy will be transferred to the government medical college in Kozhikode. "Contact tracing is underway, with high-risk individuals already isolated and their samples sent for testing," George said. The epicenter of the outbreak has been identified as Pandikkad, and stringent precautionary measures are being implemented.
Residents within a three-kilometer radius of Pandikkad are advised to wear masks and avoid hospital visits. The state health department has warned against consuming fruits that are half-eaten or contaminated by animals.
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