Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 2 convened a high-level meeting to assess the aftermath of Cyclone Remal, which has wreaked havoc across the northeastern states of India. The cyclone has claimed over three dozen lives and affected more than two lakh people due to flash floods, heavy rains, and landslides in the region.
According to government sources, the Prime Minister's agenda for the day extended beyond the post-cyclone review. He is expected to hold additional meetings to plan for the first 100 days of his new government, following the exit polls that predicted a resounding victory for the BJP-led alliance.
One of the meetings will focus on preparations to celebrate World Environment Day on a grand scale on June 5. Furthermore, a comprehensive brainstorming session is scheduled to review the agenda and priorities for the first 100 days of the new government.
The northeastern states have been grappling with the devastating impact of Cyclone Remal, with continuous rainfall and landslides isolating several areas and submerging railway tracks under floodwaters. The Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) has suspended express, passenger, and goods trains bound for south Assam, Tripura, Manipur, and Mizoram since Tuesday due to the inundation of railway tracks throughout the region.
Earlier, Prime Minister Modi expressed his condolences over the situation in the northeastern states and assured all possible support from the Central government. He stated that the Centre is continuously monitoring the situation, and officials are working on the ground to assist those affected.
Taking to social media, PM Modi said, "Unfortunately, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, and West Bengal have witnessed natural disasters in the aftermath of Cyclone Remal. My thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been affected there. Took stock of the prevailing situation. The Central Government has assured all possible support to the states and is continuously monitoring the situation. Officials are working on the ground to assist those affected."
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