Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Sunday lamented that the National Register of Citizens (NRC) that was carried out in Assam, affected the poor people the most, and especially Hindus (12 out of 19 lakh left out of the final draft were Hindus).
“Look what happened in Assam where the NRC was rolled out. Poor people with no way to find their documents were affected the most. And among them, the majority were Hindus,” Vijayan said, while addressing a gathering at a 'Constitution protection' rally in Kozhikode beach.
ALSO READ: Assam Government Shot Anti-CAA Protesters Like ‘Dogs’: West Bengal BJP Chief
Vijayan further alleged that the CAA, NRC and the NPR are all interlinked and are being rolled out by the BJP government with a "communal agenda", and Muslims are not the only community being targetted.
At the rally, Vijayan also lashed out at the amendment of the Citizenship Act, and said his government would never enforce the CAA in the State. The CPM ruler further stated that the Government would have to repeal the CAA. Yujayan added that the National Register of Citizens and the National Population Register also wouldn’t be implemented in the state.
The chief minister made it clear the citizenship act would not cause "anxiety" to the people, adding, "We will not implement the NRC and the NPR. We will not roll out the NPR. All that we would do is conduct the census. Beyond that we will not proceed even a centimetre."
It may be mentioned that the state of Kerala has already declared it wouldn’t implement any of these measures and its Assembly was the first among states to pass a resolution demanding that the CAA be withdrawn.
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