Amid the ongoing Lok Sabha polls, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has reiterated that reservation based on religion is not permissible under the Indian Constitution. Singh accused the opposition INDIA bloc of misleading the public on this issue and blamed them for creating a "crisis of credibility" in Indian politics.
Singh clarified, "There is no provision for reservation based on religion in our Constitution. The process of reservation that has been in place will continue, and Prime Minister Modi has also reiterated this." He condemned the opposition's attempts to mislead voters for electoral gain, stating that such tactics are responsible for undermining the trust in Indian politics.
Regarding allegations that the BJP is trying to alter the Constitution, Singh dismissed them as baseless. He pointed out that the Congress, during its tenure, made numerous amendments to the Constitution, including changes to the Preamble in 1976 under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's leadership.
Singh also addressed the BJP's ambitious goal of securing 400 Lok Sabha seats, citing widespread support for a BJP-led NDA government. He expressed confidence in the party's electoral prospects and reaffirmed their commitment to achieving a significant victory in the elections.
In the Lucknow Lok Sabha constituency, Singh is contesting as the BJP candidate against opponents from the Samajwadi Party (SP) and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP). Voting for the Lucknow parliamentary seat is scheduled for May 20 during the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha polls.
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