Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin's son, Udhayanidhi Stalin, has ignited a fierce controversy with his recent remarks comparing Sanatana Dharma, one of India's oldest religious traditions, to diseases like malaria and dengue. Speaking at a 'Sanatana Abolition Conference,' Udhayanidhi Stalin asserted that Sanatana Dharma should not merely be opposed but "eradicated" due to its alleged opposition to social justice and equality.
"Few things cannot be opposed, that should be abolished only. We can't oppose dengue, mosquitoes, malaria, or corona. We have to eradicate this. That's how we have to eradicate Sanatana," he was quoted as saying.
The Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) IT cell head, Amit Malviya, strongly condemned Udhayanidhi Stalin's remarks, accusing him of calling for the "genocide of 80 percent of the population" who follow Sanatana Dharma.
"Udhayanidhi Stalin...has linked Sanatana Dharma to malaria and dengue. He is of the opinion that it must be eradicated and not merely opposed. In short, he is calling for the genocide of 80 percent of the population of Bharat, who follow Sanatana Dharma," Amit Malviya stated.
The controversy has taken on added significance due to the DMK's recent participation in the Opposition bloc, INDIA, which met in Mumbai to strategize for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, with the aim of challenging the BJP-led NDA.
In response to the BJP's accusations, Udhayanidhi Stalin clarified his stance, stating that he never called for the "genocide" of Sanatana Dharma followers. He reiterated his commitment to representing marginalized communities who, he claimed, have suffered due to Sanatana Dharma's influence.
"We will not be cowed down by such usual saffron threats. We, the followers of Periyar, Anna, and Kalaignar, would fight forever to uphold social justice and establish an egalitarian society under the able guidance of our Chief Minister MK Stalin," Udhayanidhi Stalin asserted.
"I will say it today, tomorrow, and forever — our resolve to stop Sanatana Dharma from the Dravidian land would not reduce even a bit," he concluded.
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