A registered Over-Ground Worker (OGW), identified as Qamaruddin, was apprehended on Sunday from his residence in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district. The arrest, made during a joint operation conducted by the Jammu and Kashmir Police and the Army in the Hari Budha area, led to the recovery of a Pakistan-made pistol and two Chinese grenades from his possession.
The security forces suspect that the seized arms and ammunition were intended to disrupt the upcoming Lok Sabha polls in Poonch. Despite the arrest, the search operation in the area is ongoing, as confirmed by the Poonch police.
A video shared on social media by the ANI news agency depicted security personnel entering the suspect's house and conducting a thorough search of the premises, underscoring the gravity of the situation.
The Lok Sabha elections in Jammu and Kashmir are scheduled to take place in five phases, spanning from April 19 to May 20. The recent arrest highlights the ongoing security challenges in the region as authorities work tirelessly to maintain peace and ensure the safety of citizens during the electoral process.
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