Trinamool Congress (TMC) Rajya Sabha MP Sukhendu Sekhar Roy has approached the Calcutta High Court seeking protection from arrest after reportedly receiving multiple summons from Kolkata Police. This comes in the wake of Roy’s controversial tweet demanding the custodial interrogation of Kolkata Police Commissioner and a former principal of RG Kar Medical College.
Roy, fearing potential arrest, has sought the court's intervention, highlighting the escalating tension between him and the state police. The development has sparked a sharp reaction from BJP MP Raju Bista, who criticized the West Bengal administration under Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.
Bista expressed concern over the alleged harassment of Roy by his own party’s government, suggesting that ordinary citizens could face even graver treatment. Bista further warned that the current administration could plunge the state into an “Emergency-like situation” in its desperation to maintain power.
He called for Mamata Banerjee's resignation, citing the need to protect democracy and fundamental rights in West Bengal.
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