New Delhi: Union Minister Smriti Irani on Wednesday informed via a tweet that she has tested positive for the COVID-19. The MP who represents Amethi Constituency in Uttar Pradesh has requested those people who came in her contact to get a COVID-19 test at the earliest as a safety measure.
"It is rare for me to search for words while making an announcement; hence here’s me keeping it simple — I’ve tested positive for #COVID and would request those who came in contact with me to get themselves tested at the earliest," the Minister wrote on Twitter, disclosing her COVID positive status.
In the past few days, Irani was actively involved in BJP's Bihar assembly elections campaign and had addressed several campaigns in the state. Irani's tour took her to Gopalganj, Nautan, Kalyanpur, Digha, Warisleiganj, Bodh Gaya, and Shahpur constituencies in the state.
In a related development, Union minister Ramdas Athawale, whose 'go corona, go' chant became a national sensation, on Tuesday tested coronavirus positive, an official said. The Republican Party of India (A) leader has been admitted to a private hospital in south Mumbai.
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