West Bengal BJP chief Sukanta Majumdar sustained injuries as clashes erupted between party workers and police when they were prevented from entering Sandeshkhali. The area has been witnessing protests by women, alleging atrocities by Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Shajahan Sheikh and his associates.
Earlier in the day, Bengal police halted Sukanta Majumdar from leaving a guest house in Taki, North 24 Parganas district. A significant police presence was deployed to block BJP leaders from reaching Sandeshkhali, where section 144 has been enforced.
The unrest stems from ongoing agitation by women in Sandeshkhali, accusing TMC leader Shajahan Sheikh and his aides of committing atrocities against them. The situation escalated as clashes broke out between BJP supporters and the police during the attempted visit by Sukanta Majumdar.
The police action comes amid heightened tensions, and the imposition of section 144 indicates a restriction on large gatherings in the area. The incident highlights the volatile political atmosphere in West Bengal, with parties engaging in confrontations over alleged injustices and disputes.
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